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- The total value of the project is Polish Zloty 5,557,221,59
- The amount of funding from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 within the PL04 "Saving energy and promoting renewable energy sources" is Polish Zloty 3,150,882,00
- Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through funding from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.
Characteristics of completed works:
- Heating of wall partitions for the building exterior for the area of 646.88 sqm
- Heating of building floor for the area of 271.45 sqm,
- Heating wall partitions of the building outer walls (basement) for the area. 96.16 sqm,
- Replacement of window frames (76 units) for the area of 166.95 sqm
- Replacement of door (4 units) for the area 13.18 sqm ,
- Modernisation of internal heating and hot water system ( 2 units), Radiators (26 units) Thermostat Valves (26 units), Pipes - 438 mb., PE-HD - 66 mb.(power capacity of heat pump)
- Installation of photovoltaic cells (300 units) with a capacity of 77.95 KW covering area of 540 sqm
- Installation of heat pumps (2 units) with a capacity of 26.42 KW
- installation of the Biomass boiler with capacity of 100 KW.
- The total value of the project is Polish Zloty 5,557,221.59
- The amount of funding from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 within the PL04 "saving energy and promoting renewable energy sources" is Polish Zloty 3,150,882,00
- Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through funding from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.
Characteristics of completed works:
- Heating of the wall partitions for building exterior for the area of 944.50 sqm
- Heating of the internal wall partitions of the building ceiling in the attic space for an area of445.53 sqm
- Heating of the wall partitions for the inner ceiling and for the floor for the area of594.73 sqm,
- Replacement of window frames (116 units) for the area of187.72 sqm
- Replacement of door (6 units) for the area of 15.85 sqm
- modernization of internal heating and hot water - 2 units. Radiators (51 units), Thermostat Valves (51 units), Pipes - 654 mb., PE-HD - 130 mb.(power capacity of the heat pump) and an accumulation tray,
- installation of photovoltaic cells (160 units) with a capacity of 40.00 KW covering area of288sqm,
- heat pump system (3 units) with a capacity of 39.63 KW
- Installation of biomass boiler (Capacity 75 KW)
- Installation of floor heating for area of 594.73sqm
- The total value of the project is Polish Zloty 5,557,221.59
- The amount of funding from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 within the PL04 "Saving energy and promoting renewable energy sources" is Polish Zloty 3,150,882,00
- Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through funding from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area
Characteristics of completed works:
- Heating units for the outer walls for the area.1009.13 sqm
- Heating for the internal wall partitions of the building ceiling and attic space for area of599.66 sqm
- Heating for the wall partitions of ground floor (styr.# 10 cm) for the area of 439.70 sqm,
- Heating baffles on the ground floor (styr.#15 cm) for the area of 283.0 sqm,
- Heating for the wall partitions of the Gym roof for the area of283.0 sqm,
- Replacement of window frames (110 units) for the area of 298.66 sqm,
- Replacement of window door panels (6 units) for the area of16.89 sqm,
- Modernisation of the internal heating and hot water - 2 pcs. Radiatior(49 units), Thermostat valves( 49 units)., Pipes - 1047 mb., PE-HD - mb.(power the heat pump), accumulator tank, thermostatic faucets,
- installation of photovoltaic cells (160 units) with a capacity of 40.00 KW covering area of288 sqm,
- heat pump system (3 units) with a capacity of 39.63 KW
- Installation of floor heating for area of 722.70 sqm.
- The total value of the project is Polish Zloty 5,557,221.59
- The amount of funding from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 within the PL04 "Saving energy and promoting renewable energy sources" is Polish Zloty 3,150,882,00
- Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through funding from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area
Characteristics of completed works:
- Heating for the outer walls for the area 543.08sqm
- Heating the internal wall partitions for the building ceiling in attic space for area of 398.90 sqm
- Heating for the wall partitions of the building on the ground floor for the area. 398.90sqm ,
- Replacement of window frames (42 units) for the area. 119.74sqm,
- Replacement of window door panels (4 units) for the area. 18,21sqm ,
- modernisation of internal heating and hot water (2 units): Heaters (32 units), Thermostat valves (32 units), Pipes ( 432 mb), PE-HD ( 65 mb. (power the heat pump), accumulation reservoir, taps standing (15 units).,
- installation of photovoltaic cells (156 units) with a capacity of 39.96 KW covering area of 281sqm,
- Installation of floor heating for area of 260.20sqm.
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